Saturday, October 30, 2010

Let's go

..back here,
and then a new trip here,
and here.

Even for just a day, would be nice with you.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Deep Wine and Cranberries

  • It's best friend's birfday. WHOOP
  • I spent the weekend with her. We painted her entire room and it looks so good.
  • That crazy family is rather entertaining.
  • My stupid heart monitor is so ridiculous. I hate that I have to carry it around everywhere, but it's cool.
  • I had some pretty deep conversations with people today, and that makes me happy.
  • I enjoy it when people trust me.
  • She's happy now, and that makes me happy.
  • I'm a happy camper today. For now, anyways.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


In order to be in a deep valley, you would've had to be high on a hill at some point in your life. That is, unless you were born in the center of the earth. So at least you had that hill to fall off of. And now that you're in this deep valley, you have another hill to look forward to.

On another note,
-I have not done my history homework. Procrastination-678718587 Baylee-0
-I think I have found a great new friend =)
-I saw Candice Anne for about an hour long car ride today. I miss her dearly, but she's where she needs to be.
-I go to the cardiologist tomorrow. The next hill seems so far away.
-Jennyfur is sick. That makes me sad.
-After school basketball starts this week. I'm excited.
-I get to visit Miss Amelia this week. Precious lady.
-This week is going to be busy.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Rinky Tink's

I've had this reoccurring dream placed in a little ice cream parlor, and I didn't have any idea where it was until today.  Mystery solved.
I think this calls for a: 

On another note:
  • Friday afternoon was superb.
  • Friday night felt like death.
  • Today was alright. I got my hair cut, which was much needed.

Monday, October 11, 2010


-I went to eat with my dear sweet Jennyfur.
-We went to wal mart, where a fire alarm disrupted my heart rhythm.
-I went to Best Friend's house and refused to clean for once. Win.
-I have a bagillion new songs.
-I really need a brain that will focus long enough to do more than one history problem in one sitting.
-Candice Anne is possibly coming home this weekend, and this excites me.
-I went to the gym and made over 50% of my 3 point shots, which is an accomplishment considering my past.
-Let's paint.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Yesterday was great. I wore my mom's old Cowboy's sweater to school. After school, I went with a few guys to Casa Torres. Kaleb sang a song off of the Lizzie McGuire movie, Mikey read blonde jokes out loud to himself, Kyler and Dusty just sat there, Brantle stated the complete obvious, Taylor and I just sat there and laughed. The football game was fun. I laughed/smiled a lot.

Today we went to the fair with Jadi and I had a fried peanut butter, jelly, and banana sandwich. Appetizing? I thought so. They wouldn't let me do the bungee thing that drops you and you swing. Shame.

^This thing kind of creeps me out

I am determined to learn how to play xbox.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Don't be sad, darling.

You deserve the best, because you are the most amazing person I know.
Whatever happens, was meant to.

Song of the day: This Too Shall Pass by OK Go