Friday, February 4, 2011

Day One

1. I love you with all of me. I miss how we used to be. Just come live with me for a week. Everything is so busy now. I hate it. I miss you. 
2. I'm so glad you're in my life. I honestly don't know where I would be right now without you, love.
3. I wish you wouldn't have gone that road, or lied about it. I miss you and our 3 am games of catch in the rain. Please stop. We need you here.
4. I miss you so much and I cannot wait to see you on spring break.
5. You always know the right things to say to tell me how to keep my chin up.
6. You are my bruver forebers. Our snow day was fun.
7. You hurt me and it happens, but now you're hurting yourself and I don't think you see it. We're here to listen.
8. You are me, I swear. With obvious differences of course lol. Don't get hurt. I couldn't stand to see you in my position.
9&10. The both of you are helping me get through this. Whatever 'this' is. You take special care of me, even though you see so many other people in need. Thank you so much. For everything.

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